Tuesday 22 June 2010

Mint, Horse, and Oysters

We headed off to the L'Apollo Bar for some Jazz but unfortunately missed the band. We still had a rollicking good time with their house DJ spinning some funky tunes accompanied by some random and awesome videos being projected onto the wall (I think one of them was the Nicholas brothers). The photo here is of the barmaid making several of their Mojitos which they prepare with the mint and sugar in the glass first and add the liquid as people order them. The large stack of highball glasses full of mint makes a nice sight on the bar.

We met a few lovely people from Spain and Argentina as we had a few more drinks and enjoyed the music but we were getting quite hungry so we headed off for some food. We were taken to one of the well kept secret of Bordeaux, a late night restaurant. This place opens at 10pm and closes around 4am and serves a variety of food, some regional. I tried to have the horse steak but they were out of the meat and I got something akin to just the meat out of a hamburger (although of much better quality than most) with an egg on top and some freshly cut handmade frites. Sancha took a plunge and tried the duck confit (a bold move for her) which she actually enjoyed. The chef was quite exuberant and seemed to enjoy making fun of our horrible French and our inability to understand him, but his food more than made up for the teasing.

We eventually headed off home and to bed at some point around 3am quite full and a little tipsy from the wine. I think the real winner from our meal was the restaurants dog who got a fair portion of the rare meat from inside my meal.

After a long sleep in the next day we headed back to the same market we got our picnicking food from and chowed down on some seafood. It was pretty fantastic and cheap, only 6€ for half a dozen large oysters and a glass of white wine. I was a little jealous of people getting the seafood platters which looked fantastic and contained prawns, oysters, sea snails and more. Thus fortified we were ready to face the day.

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