Tuesday 25 May 2010

The National Museum of Hygiene

David had read quite a few good reviews on this Museum, so today we decided to go and see for ourselves.  The exhibition itself is quite lengthy and very interactive in parts.  The display models are all to a very high standard and alot of information is provided....in German! Although we did have audio guides, they were unfortunately not for about 50% of the exhibition, so trying to work out what something is in German without a translator can be quite difficult.

David and I spent a good three hours at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum and we could have stayed for much much longer, but we started to get very hungry.

Basically, the exhibition features all about the human life.  The permanent exhibition is called "Adventure Man" which includes the areas of:
"The Crystal Man" pictures of people in the modern sciences, life and death - from the first cell to the death of man.
" Eating and Drinking" - food as body function, and cultural achievement
"Sexuality" - love, sex and lifestyles in an era of reproductive medicine.
"Remember, thinking, learning" - the cosmos in his head: The brain.  This exhibit was highly interactive and very fun - since we were beginning to get bored and hungry at this stage.
"Movement" - the art of coordination as well as "beauty, skin and hair" - Open border between body and the environment.

Tomorrow, we will visit Saxon Switzerland.

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