Tuesday 4 May 2010


After a day of lazing by the pool sipping cocktails, eating and planning our stay in Berlin we decided to head out to Ratchadamnoen Stadium in Bangkok for some Thai boxing (Muay Thai, the national sport of Thailand). For 2000 Baht ($80 or so each) we got to sit ringside. We felt rather "ripped off" as we not only didn't get any sweat dripped on us, we got no blood either!

As you enter the arena floodlights fill the floor revealing two men going through their spiritual 'Wai Khru' (a ceremony to thank their revered teachers, spirits, boxing ring and the sport itself).

Following the 'Wai Khru' ritual, they go straight into 'Ram Muay', a dance where each boxer demonstrates his skills and style. These pre-match ceremonies are believed to bring good luck, protection, respect, and a fair and honourable fight to the boxers. Once all the formalities are out of the way, it's time for action.

There were 7 matches all up, 4 -5 rounds each match depending on the boxers age and weight. Each round timed to 2-3 minutes with 2 minute breaks, so each match going for around 20 minutes.

The main event was Match 6 - in round 4 the match was stopped due to one opponent dislocating his knee. (We are seen above with the winner and his entourage of this event). They were all so polite in making sure their opponents were okay, it was a nicety that you don't see much in Australian sports.

It was an exhilarating experience - not only did we have the betting going on right behind us, we had the blaring sound of Thai classical instruments,and the passionate crowd all around us cheering on their favourite boxer.

Whilst waiting for a cab back to the Hotel we saw the king and his entourage drive past us. That was pretty sweet timing. Also it was here, that we encountered our first language issue with cab drivers in Thailand. Even though we had some letterhead from the Hotel, it was not in Thai, so most drivers had no idea where Suwarong Road was, even though it is situated right near Patpong Rd - about 6 drivers had no clue. It wasn't until a nice older Thai gentleman helped us out and hailed a cab for us and sent us on our way. He deserved a tip.

Overall, this was a great experience and recommend to all.

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